Wednesday, November 12, 2014

How can we use Articles properly?

   Using Articles in an essay was not esay for me because the korean language doesn't have 'Articles' so I really need to know how to use 'Articles' properly and correctly.
Look at these examples.
1. the book
2. a book
Example 1. the book is definite and singular, Example 2. a book is indefinite and singular.
We know that the book indicates one specific book between two and more people.
We know that a book means there is one book and just a book, it doesn't indicates specific book.
3. Mom bought some apples. I ate the apples this morning.
In this example, some apples are indefinite but the apples are the apples that mom bought, so it became specific apples. In the first sentence, I mentioned some apples so I could write the apples in the next sentence.
4. The teacher is talking about history.
If the speaker and the listener are the students in the same place, they can say The teacher.
5. The president is speaking about election.
If the speaker and the listener are the people who live in the same country, they can say The President. If the speaker and the listener are in U.S., The president indicates the current U.S. President.
6. I lost the book you gave me.
The listener(you) knows exactly whick book, so the book is definite.
7. We can see the sun in daytime.
There is only one sun in our experience. Also, The moon, The venus
8. I went to the bank to deposit.
If you want to say the place which is certainly familiar to the listener and you(speaker), you can use the bank.
9. The internet has changed the way people get informations.
If you want to make a formal generalization, you should say The internet

Give some comments about using Articles, share your ideas. 

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