Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ESL Placement test practice essay layering outline, Title : School administrator should remove Candy and soda vending machines at the school

My Practice essay include a introduction, a body, a conclusion. Can you help me to correct my practice? 

           These days, Providing healthy foods at school is the big issue to reduce obesity level, diabetes and high blood pressure but students are able to find candy and soda vending machines in the school easily. The candy and soda include too much sugar more than daily values and a sugar is the worst material that causes obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure so I agree that school administrator should remove Candy and soda vending machines at the school because students don't need exceed nutrition.

this great picture sources :
         Students don't need exceed nutrition from candy and soda vending machines.
- Candy and soda mostly are consist of lots of sugar
- sugar is a carbohydrate
- if students doesn't use a carbohydrate, body will store this nutrient.
- school cafeteria always prepare healthy foods based on daily values
- students will lose their appetite after buying a candy or soda
- students will skip their school lunches
- they are not able to get various nutrients
- proteins, vitamins, mineral, carbohydrate
               In conclusion, school should remove candy and soda machines at school because they don't need exceed carbohydrate nutrition from candy and soda and students should not skip well-prepared school lunches.


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