Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Essay example with works cited,

                    These days, Michelle Obama's school lunches is the big issue in schools. She wants to change the american student's school lunch into a healthier lunch. This is called Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to this bill school cafeterias would have to provide more vegetables and fruits in the meals. Also, school cafeterias should not use too much sodium in the meal and each meal has a calorie limitfrom 650kcal to 850kcal. Based on these new waves in school lunches reform, I agree that every school in my community should also includes vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeteria because eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals and it lowers the risk of obesity.
                   Eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals. Vegetarian dishes have vegetable proteins. It is in yellow beans and it helps to make muscle cells. Sometimes, it is an alternative way to get proteins for some students who cannot eat meats because of allergies or religious issues. Also, Vegetarian dishes have vitamins. It is the way to receive natural vitamins. According to Ruth A. Roth, who wrote Nutrition & diet therapy, carrots have vitamin A, tomatoes have vitamin B, oranges have vitamin C and these are good at maintaining health, reducing colds, freckles, and allergies (221,223,224). In addition, she states that Vegetarian dishes have minerals, for example, quinoa has calcium, green beans have magnesium, spinach has iron. These minerals help to make strong bones and teeth and minerals are helpful to circulate blood in the body(297).
                   Eating vegetarian dishes reduces the risk of obesity. Obesity is from excessive nutrients. Students eat a lot of foods which include fat. One gram of fat has 9kcal. It means that one gram of fat can make 9kcal energy. So, students should use 9kcal energy. But, some students don't want to move or walk, in this case, their body just stores this 9kcal. It becomes excessive nutrients and it can lead to obesity. On the other hand, one gram of protein is 4kcal and vitamins and minerals do not have any calories. So, eating vegetarian dishes is a proper method to avoid obesity. Scott Douglas who wrote recent article in Runner's World, he points out the vegetarian can lose 6.3 pounds per six months.
                      In conclusion, every school in my community should provide vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeterias because students are able to get proteins, vitamins and minerals from them that help to keep them healthy. Also, providing vegetarian dishes prevents obesity.
Works Cited
Douglas, Scott. "Vegan or Vegetarian Diet Might Be Best For Weight Loss".
Runner's World. 20 November. 2014. Web. 1 December. 2014.
Roth, Ruth A.. "Nutrition & Diet Therapy."
Independence: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

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