Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Essay example with works cited,

                    These days, Michelle Obama's school lunches is the big issue in schools. She wants to change the american student's school lunch into a healthier lunch. This is called Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to this bill school cafeterias would have to provide more vegetables and fruits in the meals. Also, school cafeterias should not use too much sodium in the meal and each meal has a calorie limitfrom 650kcal to 850kcal. Based on these new waves in school lunches reform, I agree that every school in my community should also includes vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeteria because eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals and it lowers the risk of obesity.
                   Eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals. Vegetarian dishes have vegetable proteins. It is in yellow beans and it helps to make muscle cells. Sometimes, it is an alternative way to get proteins for some students who cannot eat meats because of allergies or religious issues. Also, Vegetarian dishes have vitamins. It is the way to receive natural vitamins. According to Ruth A. Roth, who wrote Nutrition & diet therapy, carrots have vitamin A, tomatoes have vitamin B, oranges have vitamin C and these are good at maintaining health, reducing colds, freckles, and allergies (221,223,224). In addition, she states that Vegetarian dishes have minerals, for example, quinoa has calcium, green beans have magnesium, spinach has iron. These minerals help to make strong bones and teeth and minerals are helpful to circulate blood in the body(297).
                   Eating vegetarian dishes reduces the risk of obesity. Obesity is from excessive nutrients. Students eat a lot of foods which include fat. One gram of fat has 9kcal. It means that one gram of fat can make 9kcal energy. So, students should use 9kcal energy. But, some students don't want to move or walk, in this case, their body just stores this 9kcal. It becomes excessive nutrients and it can lead to obesity. On the other hand, one gram of protein is 4kcal and vitamins and minerals do not have any calories. So, eating vegetarian dishes is a proper method to avoid obesity. Scott Douglas who wrote recent article in Runner's World, he points out the vegetarian can lose 6.3 pounds per six months.
                      In conclusion, every school in my community should provide vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeterias because students are able to get proteins, vitamins and minerals from them that help to keep them healthy. Also, providing vegetarian dishes prevents obesity.
Works Cited
Douglas, Scott. "Vegan or Vegetarian Diet Might Be Best For Weight Loss".
Runner's World. 20 November. 2014. Web. 1 December. 2014.
Roth, Ruth A.. "Nutrition & Diet Therapy."
Independence: Delmar Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

Monday, December 8, 2014

한국과 미국의 다른점

1. 서점이 없다. 
쇼핑몰 센터에 서점이 없어요 ㅠ 
한국에는 왠만한 큰 쇼핑몰 센터면 영풍이나 교보.. 이런 서점이 있는데 서점이 없어서 놀랬어요.. 
동네마다 다르겠지만...... 
대학교 내 학생센터 내 작은.. 텍스트 북 파는 서점 정도만 있네요 
서점 가려면.. 뉴욕까지 가거나.. 책 이름 알면 아마존을 이용해야 해요 

2. 시민의식 
-지하철 내 의자 밑에 쓰레기가 너무 많아요..... 뉴욕-뉴저지 연결하는 Path 타면.. 정말 전 기겁...
-횡단보도 신호등 안지켜요.. 차들이 서주긴 하지만요 ;; 
-지하철이나 모노레일에 앉을 자리가 있어도 잘 앉지 않더라구요... 
* 예전에.. 레일 탔을 때.. 어떤 유모차가 있는 가족이 타더니 
유모차를 들더라구요.. 저는 유모차를 접어서 다른 켠에 놔두는 건 줄 알았는데.. 
유모차 내에 있는 과자 부스러기를 레일 객실 안에 털더라구요......... 
* 여름에 여성분들이 크롭티, 핫팬츠 정말 짧게 입어서 
어떤 남자무리.... 들이 대놓고 XXXXXX라고 욕하고........ 
* 이어폰으로 음악 안듣고 스피커 볼륨을 엄청 빵빵하게 틀고 음악을 듣는 청소년들도 있고...... 

3. 화장실 
-칸칸이 나뉘어진.. 칸막이 아랫부분이 발목까지 있는게 아니라 ㅋ 거의 무릎까지라서.. 
옆사람 신발 다 보이고.... 전 첨에 이게 너무 불편하고.. 
칸칸 안에 들어 있는데도 ㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 뭔가 다 보이는 느낌.. 이었어요 

4. 느린 택배. 
-미국이 큰......... 나라니깐 어쩔 수 없고요. 
-택배 오기 전에 전화 안온다는.... 한국과는 다른 점이랄까요? ㅎㅎㅎ 

5. 비둘기, 갈매기 크기 
- 저희 동네가 Bay근처라 갈매기가  많은데요 
갈매기 사이즈가.... 부산이나 ㅋ 한국 바다에서 보던 거 보다 크기가 커서 
새들이 너무 무서웠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 
- 비둘기도 사이즈가 크게 느껴지는 건... 저 뿐인가요.. 

6. 분리수거 안하는 것 
- 종이/병,유리/쓰레기 이렇게만 분리수거하더라구요....... 
 한국은 스티로폼, 알루미늄, 철, 유리병, 페트병, 일반플라스틱 다 .. 따로 하는데.... 
분리수거 상세하게 안해도 되서... 편하기도 했지만.. 
매번 버리면서.. 미국은 도대체 쓰레기 처리를 어떻게 하는거지.. 궁금궁금... 했어요 

7. 밤에 너무 어두운 것 
- 해만 딱 지면.. 걸어다니는 사람도 없고.. 가로등 불도 띄엄띄엄.. 
- 요즘엔 해가 4시 30분 되면 지더라구요..... 
- 저녁을 언제 해먹어야 하는지.. 시계를 안보면 ㅋ 감이 잘 안와요 ㅎㅎ 

8. 한국제품을 많이 쓰는 것. 
- 사람들이 폰 커버 뚜껑을 열어제끼면.. 죄다 삼성 삼성....... 
- 현대차 쏘렌토, 기아차 쏘울도 많고~!! 
- 삼성 스마트 티비
- 엘지 티비, 엘지 세탁기 등 가전제품 
- 삼성은 한국 브랜드인지 간혹 아는 사람이 있으나 
- 엘지가 한국브랜드라고 했을 때 아 그래? 라고 하는 사람이 대부분..... 이더라구요 

9. 아시아인을 모두.. 중국인이라고 생각 하는 것. 
- 니하호 인사 가끔 듣고....... 
- 저희 동네에도 동양인이 거,의, 없어서... 제가 샵라이트 가면 사람들의 시선이 느껴진다는 것...;; 

10. Jitney 버스 
- 주나 시에서 운영하는 버스가 아닌.. 소형버스가 있어요.... 
- 너무 오래되고 더럽고 앉기가 찝찝할 정도의 좌석.....ㅠㅠ 
- 그렇지만 뉴저지 트렌싯 버스가 20분에 한대 꼴이고.. 이마저도 30~40분만에 오기 때문에 
그냥..... Jitney 버스를 이용합니다...... ㅋ 이버스에서 잃어버린 걸로 추정되는....... 
폰 분실 사건.. 이외에 아직 아무 일도 없으나.. 
버스 운전자가 운전 중에 폰을 시도때도 없이 만지고 ㅋ 통화하며.... 
안전하지 못하다는 인상을 받은 적이 많네요 ㅎㅎ 

11. 왠만한 건물은 지은지 100년...... 
- 가끔 동네 부동산 사이트를 들어가서 매매 나온 물건을 보면 거의 1900년대, 1940년대, 1970년대 집입니다..... 
- 울 동네 초등학교들은 다 100년 됐더라구요..... 
- 전쟁이 없는 것이 왜 중요한지를 자연스럽게 알려줍니다....... 

12. 콘도미니움이나 아파트에는 집집마다 세탁기가 없네요 ㅠ 
- 각 건물 지하실에 공동 세탁기가 있거나... 
세탁기 있는 아파트는 최근에 건축 된거고 렌트 160만원 정도 부터 시작이더라구요...... 

13. 집 조명이 어두운것.... 
- 위에서 말했듯이.. 옛날에 지은 집이므로.... 천정 조명이 없어요 
세탁기 없는 이유도 비슷해요.. 그냥 집이 오래되서 그때당시에는 세탁기가 없었기에 
배수시스템을 지을 만한 이유가 없고... 나중에 리모델링 하려고 해도 배수, 배전(전기)같은 건 
건물 다 뜯어내거나 천정 보드 뜯어내고 내부에 설치해야 하므로.....ㅠㅠ 

14. 바닥 난방이 없는 것... 
- 한국의 온돌문화가 왜 중요한지 뼈져리게 느낍니다. 

15. 엄청난 빵의 종류, 햄의 종류, 치즈 종류........ 

16. 과자 3조각 칼로리가 200은 바로 넘어요.... 버터를 많이 사용하기 때문에요 ㅠ 

17. 디자이너 의류, 명품 브랜드, 화장품 값들이 제 값을 받기 때문에.. 
한국거주자들이 해외직구를 하는 이유가 충분히 이해가 가요...... 
에XXXX 메이크업 세트 미국에 60달러 정도인데.. 
한국 에XXXX직영 사이트에 값이.. 3배 넘길래 깜짝 놀랐어요........ 

Macy's review : Benefit Getting Cheeky Value Set - A Macy's Exclusive, Estee Lauder Global Anti-Aging: Your Targeted Solutions Set

      I had wanted to use benefit products. I finally made a purchases on black Friday, I got this package quite fast. Box was not damaged, condition was nice.
ChaCha tint and Posie tint are good for cold skin tone. They both light pink color
and Sun beam is light-medium tone, and it has sparkles, it is very useful to give a highlight on my nose.
These are small trial kits, but quite useful and it is easy to keep in small pulse.
    This year, I'm 27. I realized that I really need to start aging care. So I was looking for anti-aging kits and I finally got this Estee-lauder one. I'm using these at nighttime. First, I use this cleansing one, and then bronw bottle one, eye cream and cream. I have dry skin, so I really needed this things. Price is very reasonable. Since I have used them. Next morning, when I wear a make-up, I can see differences. Very good stuffs. I especially will buy "Advanced Night Repair" (Brown bottle) one. As far as I know, this product is very popular at Duty free shops-in the airport. I really like this brown bottle one and I don't want to be old and have wrinkle. It really saved me. Thanks .

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Making a conclusion at essay

my example 

            In conclusion, making a good lesson plan and giving motivation to students were two important things as a teacher. To give direction while teaching, a well-organized plan is the key. Also, a teacher should get student's attention because students will reach better results when they are motivated to learn. So, a teacher has to manage a teaching plan and his or her students well.

: ) 

ESL Placement test practice essay layering outline, Title : School administrator should remove Candy and soda vending machines at the school

My Practice essay include a introduction, a body, a conclusion. Can you help me to correct my practice? 

           These days, Providing healthy foods at school is the big issue to reduce obesity level, diabetes and high blood pressure but students are able to find candy and soda vending machines in the school easily. The candy and soda include too much sugar more than daily values and a sugar is the worst material that causes obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure so I agree that school administrator should remove Candy and soda vending machines at the school because students don't need exceed nutrition.

this great picture sources :
         Students don't need exceed nutrition from candy and soda vending machines.
- Candy and soda mostly are consist of lots of sugar
- sugar is a carbohydrate
- if students doesn't use a carbohydrate, body will store this nutrient.
- school cafeteria always prepare healthy foods based on daily values
- students will lose their appetite after buying a candy or soda
- students will skip their school lunches
- they are not able to get various nutrients
- proteins, vitamins, mineral, carbohydrate
               In conclusion, school should remove candy and soda machines at school because they don't need exceed carbohydrate nutrition from candy and soda and students should not skip well-prepared school lunches.


Monday, December 1, 2014

How can I check the cosmetic's expiration day?

Look at the some code on your cosmetics

*Ex) A70, 0031201, 031314

Match your code on below website


Chopin prelude 24, Romantic Piano Music

You poked my heart, adorable kids

You poked my heart, adorable kids 

Take a look at the Sample Outline for Essay, High school level,

These days, Michelle Obama's school lunches is the big issue in schools. She wants to change the american student's school lunch into a healthier lunch. This is called Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to this bill school cafeterias would have to provide more vegetables and fruits in the meals. Also, they should not use too much sodium in the meal and each meal has a calorie limitfrom 650kcal to 850kcal. Based on these new waves in school lunches reform, I agree that every school in my community should also include vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeteria because eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals and it lowers the risk of obesity and may even improve self esteem in students
Eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals.
vegetarian dishes have vegetable proteins
is in yellow beans
helps to make muscle cells
it is an alternative way to get proteins for some students who cannot eat meats because of allergies or religious issues
vegetarian dishes have vitamins
is the way to receive natural vitamins
there are synthesis vitamins
is harder to get absorbed than natural vitamins
carrots have vitamin A
tomatoes have vitamin B
oranges have vitamin C
these are good at maintaining a healthy
reduces colds, freckles, and allergies
vegetarian dishes have minerals
quinoa has calcium
green beans have magnesium
spinach has iron
these minerals help to make strong bones and teeth
helpful to circulate blood in the body
It reduces the risk of obesity and improves self esteem in students.
obesity is from excessive nutrients
students eat a lot of foods which include fat
one gram of fat is 9kcal
means that one gram fat can make 9kcal energy
often if someone gets 9kcal, they don't move or exercise
our body just stores this 9kcal or more grams of fat
if someone keeps doing this, this can lead to obesity
one gram of protein is 4kcal
vitamins and minerals do not have any calories
eating vegetarian dishes is a proper method to avoid obesity
The vegetarian can lose 6.3 pounds per six months
Scott Douglas, Vegan or Vegetarian Diet Might Be Best For Weight Loss, Runner's World, 1 December, 2014.
obesity causes other problem
causes low self esteem
is possible that some students bully fat students
students who are overweight will not get good grades in physical education class
they will lay behind peers in P.E. class
they will be less confident
they will undervalue themselves
they will give up on P.E. class and perhaps other classes too
In conclusion, every school in my community should provide vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeterias because students are able to get proteins, vitamins and minerals from them that help to keep them healthy. Also, providing vegetarian dishes prevents obesity and getting low self esteem.


What is the popular korean TV show?

These days, the Babies shows are really popular contents in South Korea.

1. KBS The Return of Superman

Fathers should take care of their children for 48 hours without Mothers. 
Look at this youtube video (with Eng sub)

Korean rapper, Tablos's daughter : Haru 
Korean Comedian. Mr. Lee's twins : Seo-un and Seo-jun
Korean Actor, Mr. Song's triples : Daehan, Minkook, Manse
Japanese Korean  UFC Fighter's daughter : Sarang 

youtube channel name is Kbs world



Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Do you want to look at NYC Christmas decoration, Lord and Taylor, Empire state building, Downtown view from Hoboken, New Jersey ?

Amazing Christmas decoration at Lord and Taylor

 Every frame has LCD Display, It shows picture's movings.

 Empire State Building

Great sunset view from Hoboken 

Picture copyright, Jieun Kim.

Expanded layering outline, Essay homework sample : Every school in my community should also include vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeteria

             These days, Michelle Obama's school lunches is the big issue in schools. She wants to change the american student's school lunch into a healthier lunch. This is called Mrs. Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. According to this bill school cafeterias would have to provide more vegetables and fruits in the meals. Also, they should not use too much sodium in the meal and each meal has a calorie limitfrom 650kcal to 850kcal. Based on these new waves in school lunches reform, I agree that every school in my community should also include vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeteria because eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals and it lowers the risk of obesity and may even improve self esteem in students
           Eating vegetarian dishes is the greatest chance to get proteins, vitamins and minerals.
vegetarian dishes have vegetable proteins
is in yellow beans
helps to make muscle cells
it is an alternative way to get proteins for some students who cannot eat meats because of allergies or religious issues
vegetarian dishes have vitamins
is the way to receive natural vitamins
there are synthesis vitamins
is harder to get absorbed than natural vitamins
carrots have vitamin A
tomatoes have vitamin B
oranges have vitamin C
these are good at maintaining a healthy
reduces colds, freckles, and allergies
vegetarian dishes have minerals
quinoa has calcium
green beans have magnesium
spinach has iron
these minerals help to make strong bones and teeth
helpful to circulate blood in the body
         It reduces the risk of obesity and improves self esteem in students.
obesity is from excessive nutrients
students eat a lot of foods which include fat
one gram of fat is 9kcal
means that one gram fat can make 9kcal energy
often if someone gets 9kcal, they don't move or exercise
our body just stores this 9kcal or more grams of fat
if someone keeps doing this, this can lead to obesity
one gram of protein is 4kcal
vitamins and minerals do not have any calories
eating vegetarian dishes is a proper method to avoid obesity
obesity causes other problem
causes low self esteem
is possible that some students bully fat students
students who are overweight will not get good grades in physical education class
they will lay behind peers in P.E. class
they will be less confident
they will undervalue themselves
they will give up on P.E. class and perhaps other classes too
                In conclusion, every school in my community should provide vegetarian dishes more than once a week in their cafeterias because students are able to get proteins, vitamins and minerals from them that help to keep them healthy. Also, providing vegetarian dishes prevents obesity and getting low self esteem.

This is my homework!!!!!!!!!! 
I finished it !!!!! Let me go to sleep!!!! 


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hoboken Caffebene

My husband and I usually have a coffee at Caffebene. Caffebene is korean coffee brand but this store is owned by chinese. Anyway, We are really happy that we can drink a caffebene coffee in US.

An expanded layering outline includes introduction and conclusion

               Teaching is one of the jobs with many responsibilities. The teachers have to teach students, check homework, make tests, and evaluate student's score. Even, they should manage homeroom class, and prevent bullying. Which one do you think is the most important responsibility of a teacher? The two important things that I learned by being a teacher were making a good lesson plan and giving motivation to students because I was able to teach a topic clearly by following a plan and students needed motivation to learn effectively.
       I was able to teach a topic clearly by following a plan
consist of an introduction, a development, a practice, a checking for understanding, and closure
also has a learning goal, resources, and guide
had to follow the standard music education curriculum certified by the South korea government
gives direction to teach
gives detail for each step
does not make students confused
leads to better teaching
New York City Downtown view from New Jersey
Photo by J.Kim
       Students needed motivation to learn a topic effectively.
students can find a reason to learn
relate topic to their background knowledge
ask a question about the topic
students get curiosity
beginning of the class
it helps to keep student's attention
it helps students create their goal after they get motivation
if students are more motivated, they will study harder which makes me happy
Provide opportunities for success
            So, making a good lesson plan and giving motivation to students were important as a teacher. If someone wants to be a good teacher who can provide meaningful lesson, they really need to understand of what is real teacher's duties.

Essay homework : making a layering outline related to my recent job

Question : Two important things which you learned from your most recent job and why these two things are important.
The two important things that I learned from teaching middle school students were that Making a good lesson plan is important because I can teach a topic step by step and I need to give motivation to students because students need motivation to learn effectively.
I can teach a topic step by step from a good lesson plan.
gives direction to teaching
gives detail for each step
results in better teaching
good contents
does not make students confused
introduction, development, practice, checking for understanding, closure
it has a learning goal and Resources and guide, it follows the curriculum well.
I need to give motivation to students because students need motivation to learn effectively.
students can find a reason to learn
it helps to keep student's attention
increased energy to learn topic
students get curiosity
it helps students create their goal after they get motivation
if students are more motivated, they will study harder which makes me happy
beginning of the class
relate topic to their background knowledge
ask a question about the topic
Provide opportunities for success